i'm off to GENT - ING at 0700 hrs
i'll buy some candie back for all to share
words are like shit coming out of your mouth
and of course thanks yuze for being able to take my shit for the last 3 years
and deony for just being deony !
and i always wanted to annouce it to everyone; hello! i'm doing a columbarium. not a creamatorium
everyone just gets it wrong always. for whatever reason. some bugger is trying to spread ard the creamatorium idea ather then the columbarium idea. and yes ppl, a place for the dead, for my
brother just got mac
*and i just got ipod touch
i swear we're going into mac craze now.
its always good to come home at 5 6 am in the morning, after a good few rounds of lan gaming, and catch the sunrise. i felt so " I N S P I R E D "